It has probably been a year since I even opened up my blog. There has been so much activity in our lives over the last year that it has been the farthest from my mind. But my ONE goal for this 2017 is to establish a daily writing pattern.
I didn't make a dozen New Year's resolutions. Yes, I want to get in shape and lose some weight. Yes, I am cutting down on distractions and focusing on more reading. Yes, I'm turning off email in evenings when I'm home.
But the ONE goal that I'm going to add systematically is writing. I'm writing daily in my journal, an exercise that has always been a frustrations. I am going to doing daily writing for my current ministry position, Communications Director (which REQUIRES me to write!). I am going to keep pecking away on my book ideas that are out there.
I am not going to force it, but just let it come. I won't mandate the number of words (except for work, when an article is due). But I want to keep the writing juices flowing, bouncing to ideas that engage me.
My thoughts on writing, and the areas where I'm going to tackle it:
- Current events, and how we should respond. A current frustration I have is that so many in today's world take a subject like immigration and over-simplify! Can't we talk about both sides of the issue?
- Missions--this is clearly a huge passion of my life. How can we make a difference in the world?
- Christian Living--and my tentative book title that I'm working on is Eye-Opening, learning to see the world the way Jesus did.
- Fiction--my girls still want me to finish the bedtime stories I told them as kids, so I better get it done.
I think that this year is going to be fun, and I'm exciting to see what I end up with written!
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